Singing Guide: S Club 7

Singing Guide: S Club 7

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn singing like S Club 7, you need to focus on singing with energy and confidence, and also develop your vocal range and pitch accuracy.

One of the most important elements of S Club 7's vocal style is their range and ability to sing high notes with ease. To develop your vocal range, Singing Carrots offers a Vocal Range Test that can help you determine your current range and provide exercises to help you expand it. Additionally, our Pitch Training program can help you develop pitch accuracy, which is also important for hitting those high notes.

Another key element of S Club 7's vocal style is their harmonies. To develop your ability to harmonize with others, it's important to practice listening closely to different parts and matching them. Singing Carrots has a Song Search feature that can help you find songs with harmonies to practice and improve upon.

In terms of technique, some of S Club 7's signature sounds include strong, belted notes and rhythmic, staccato phrasing. To achieve these sounds, it's important to work on breath support and delivery. Our articles on Breathing Basics, Breath Support, and Active and Passive Breathing can help guide you in this area.

S Club 7's hit songs like "Bring It All Back" and "Don't Stop Movin'" showcase their energetic and lively vocal style. To develop this confidence and energy in your own singing, it's important to practice performance skills, like stage presence and microphone technique. Singing Carrots offers a Singing Course with lessons on these topics, as well as videos that provide exercises for posture and breath control.

Overall, to learn singing like S Club 7, you should focus on developing your vocal range and pitch accuracy, practicing harmonizing, working on breath support and technique, and developing your confidence and stage presence. With Singing Carrots' range of tools, resources, and exercises, you can achieve these goals and improve your singing ability.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.